packaging testing equipment Water Vapor Permeation Tester
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Know more about testing requirements for flexible packaging April 9,2019.

packaging testing equipment

Flexible packaging refers to packaging that readily changes shape per the contents inside. Pouches and bags are popular examples of flexible packaging.

Flexible packaging offers many benefits. They are extremely customisable, are made from high-grade materials making them suitable for food products, eco-friendly and produce far lower waste and toxic gases.

However, efficiency is critical when you want to realise the said benefits. For these packaging to have the optimum shelf-life in the market, it is crucial that they are tested up to the standard to prevent leaks or contamination from foreign substance.

Why Flexible Packaging Testing is Important

Testing ensures that the packaging is up to standards and that the products within are well-protected. The package needs to be tested to ensure that it serves its purpose at every stage, from the time it is used for packaging to the time a customer opens it.

Testing requirements for flexible packaging are different from that of packaging because several different attributes are tested.

Here are some common requirements for good flexible packaging.

Flexible packaging material barrier properties including water vapor transmission rate and oxygen transmission rate

WVTR stands for “Water Vapor Transmission Rate“, a measure of the passage of water vapor through a barrier material. It’s also know as “MVTR“, or “Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate“.

How to measure water vapor resistance

Water vapor resistance is measured in a special chamber where it is divided vertically by the substrate/barrier material. A dry atmosphere is in one chamber, and a moist atmosphere is in the other. A 24-hour test is run to see how much moisture passes through the substrate/barrier from the “wet” chamber to the “dry” chamber. Standard test procedures (ASTM E96) can specify any one of five combinations of temperature and humidity in the “wet” chamber. The toughest conditions are 100°F / 95%RH (Relative Humidity).

Currently, GBPI to be the pioneer design and manufacture Infrared detection sensor water vapor transmission rate tester in China.Our W403 water vapour permeation analyzer with infrared sensor to help our packaging industry customers to measure their barrier material WVTR/MVTR with high precision

Oxygen Barrier flexible packaging– protect your products from oxygen transmission with the airtight security of film enforced with a special coating designed to prevent oxygen permeation.  Oxygen barrier film is designed to maintain your products flavor, scent and color.

Flexible packaging is one of the fastest growing markets in the packaging world. The benefits of flexible packaging include simple ease of use, extended product life and consumer shelf appeal, just to name a few. While oxygen is necessary for humans and animals to survive, oxygen gas is the primary culprit when it comes to food spoilage. A stable oxygen barrier film that controls oxygen permeability is a must have, especially when conditions include humid environments and elevated temperatures.

GBPI to be the leader design and manufacture oxygen transmission rate tester in China.Our Y310 oxygen permeation analyzer with three independent chamber to help your packaging industry customers to measure their barrier material OTR with high precision

Other machanical properties are also of great importance to the high quality of flexible packaging quality assurance,like tensile strength,heat sealing strength,coefficient of friction,leakage etc.

GBPI offers the CNAS Lab testing devices to ensure that your flexible packages meet the testing requirement above. An efficient testing system are important in ensuring the strength and integrity of flexible packaging. With over 16 years of experience in the packaging testing equipment industry, GBPI continuously improve our testing instruments quality to cater for a wider range of application. Our devices are manufactured and designed in China and they are used by business all around the world.

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