packaging testing equipment Water Vapor Permeation Tester
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/What is the difference between the vapor transmission rate of different materials
What is the difference between the vapor transmission rate of different materials July 17,2020.

 Water Vapor Transmission

    The water vapor transmission permeability of a polyethylene bottle refers to the amount of water vapor transmission through a sample within a certain time under a specified temperature, relative humidity, and a certain water vapor pressure difference.

    The amount of water vapor transmission  permeability of a solid bottle at a specified temperature, relative humidity, and a certain water vapor pressure difference.

    The water vapor transmission permeability  of the liquid bottle is within the specified temperature and relative humidity environment, and the percentage of water loss in the bottle within a certain period of time.

    The water vapor permeability measurement methods are: cup method, electrolytic analysis method,Weight method.

    The water vapor transmission rate of polyethylene bottles actually includes the two meanings of water vapor transmission  permeability and water vapor transmission coefficient. The meanings expressed by these two meanings also have certain differences, but they can be used to represent water vapor transmission. Ability to grow materials.

    The water vapor transmission permeability indicates the weight of water vapor transmission material under a certain time, under certain temperature and humidity conditions. The water vapor transmission rate is the standard value of the water vapor transmission rate converted by the coefficient, and corresponds to the standard unit,

    Used for comparison between different test results.

    GBPI's star products are: precise laboratory instruments such as water vapor transmission rate tester, oxygen transmission rate tester, gas transmission rate tester, etc. More industry knowledge of transmission rate test instruments will be updated next time, more For more details, please pay attention to our official website.

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